Labtech Services Provides:

A loaner microscope

A maintenance log on request

A six month courtesy call or sooner if you wish

Service completed on site (usually) to reduce down time

Follow up on major repairs  

Instructions for care of the microscope

* Cloth cover vs. plastic (which hardens/tears)
* No transfer of oil between 100x and high dry
* Cotton ball or swab oil soak
Immediate cleaning of stage to avoid pitting, permanent stain:

Gram stain

Tips for setting up microscope for specimen viewing

* Slide covers
* Immersion oil for refractive index
* Condenser for contrast (and energy saver)

Ordering Parts

We ask you for:

* The make/ model/ serial number of the microscope.

* The identification number on the part.

We order the part with specifics and schedule a time to install the part at your convenience.